
10 Self-Defense Tips For Women to Stay Safe When Alone

10 Self-Defense Tips For Women to Stay Safe When Alone

Written by on Aug 24, 2015
As a girl, it doesn't mean that you are weak creature. Your physical body is more petite than most men, but it doesn't mean you can't protect yourself.

Crime may come to anyone, and in any places. To prevent the crime in harming you, at least you should know the following tips. No need to be a karate expert or kung fu master; just do these 10 simple tips, you can properly protect yourself.

1. Martial starts from mental. Prepare yourself mentally to anticipate the worst

Prepare yourself mentally []
Just imagine when you're in a danger situation. What are you going to do when there is someone who suddenly want to rape, rob, or kidnap you? Well, there is a lot of people who feel themselves safe from crime. But, when it's really happened, they will be panic and won't be able to do anything.

No one in this world is completely safe from the risk of crime. Hence, it's important to prepare yourself mentally. Not hard. Just visualize if a crime happens to you, then answer this question: How do you save yourself?

2. Always be aware. Not only at night, but also during the day which is crowded and full of people

Always be aware []
Always be alert wherever you are. Remember these three simple things: 
  • see;
  • hear;
  • and feel. 
Sharpen those three senses to be aware around you. Avoid using earphones or headsets when you are on the road. Walk up and look around. If possible, ask someone to accompany you.

3. Instincts will tell you if there's something wrong around you. Trust that instinct

Follow your woman instinct []
Instincts is the best weapon to protect yourself. As well as the survival instinct of animals, and human also has it. Unfortunately, sometimes common sense becomes an obstacle to intuition. If one day we feel fear for no apparent reason, we just take it as paranoia.

By trusting your intuition, you can learn to differentiate between the real fear followed by anxiety. If you have a bad feeling, don't ignore it. Better makes yourself safe rather than ignoring it which is may lead you into a victim of a crime.

4. Wear clothing that ease your movement

Don't look like an easy target []
Be vigilant, look around, and don't let your mind empty. If possible, make sure you wear clothes that give optimum mobility such as long pants and sneakers. Bring items only as needed. Don't forget to stay in a bright and crowded place.

If criminals think you're tough to be their target, they will think twice to attack you anyway.

5. Beware of people who are following you along the way. It could be that they have bad intention

Be aware of certain behaviors that could potentially lead to crime []
You should also believe that not all people would do any mean to you, although people that harms you will likely show certain signals. Perpetrators won't always use violence; they typically would lure their victim to a deserted place where she is helpless.

However, beware of a group of people that huddled together, somebody who following you along the way, or those who offer help with a little force. By being alert and trust your instincts, you can quickly respond to people like this.

6. This is not about strangers. Even people we know may harm you.

Stay cautious with people you know []
Those who you know and doesn't look dangerous still has potential to commit a crime against you. Always let your closest person know, with whom and where you are today.

7. Understand your strengths and your opponent weaknesses point

Attack opponent's weakness point

Your elbow bone is the hardest part of your body. It's strong enough to swing the elbow toward your opponent's face which could make him giddy. When you have to protect yourself, focusing on opponent's sensitive areas:
  • the eyes;
  • nose;
  • throat;
  • stomach;
  • groin;
  • and shinbone
When he swayed or pain, don't say anything. Run to crowded places.

8. When attacked, you may be frightened. Train your quick reaction with practical self-defense class

Train your self-defense[]
The way to defend yourself would be much more effective if you understand the system properly. So, it would be really helpful if you take a practical self-defense classes. In martial arts such as Krav Maga and some other martial system, you will be taught how to survive from knives, swords, even guns.

If it isn't possible, you can also learn from video channel on the internet to acquire practical self-defense tips. Don't forget to find your training mate, kay?

9. Auto key, perfume, even paper thesis proposal could be a simple tool to defend yourself.

Auto key can be used as a weapon [imagesource]
 Belonging in your bag can be used to defend yourselves, such as:
  • vehicle key;
  • perfume;
  • even your proposal paper
The key that you put in between your fingers can be used as brass knuckle, you can perfume spray into the opponent's eyes, and a bundle of rolled-up paper also can be used to stab or hit them.

Of course, to make these weapon effective you need to learn from practical self-defense class or video.

10. Follow these self-defense crash course

1. Feeling stalked? Give a signal to the offender that you are aware of his presence.

Give signal that you are realized of his presence []
Stop in a crowded place, give him a sharp look. Or if the situation was not safe, go to the minimarkets which has CCTV and ask for assistance over the phone.

2. When you are mugged for the sake of valuables items, throw your wallet in one side and then run to the other side

Run to the other side []
The bandit may be more interested in your belonging and it gives you a chance to escape.

3. When the taxi turned into a place which looked deserted and dangerous, choke the driver with the seat belt or bag strap.

Beware while in taxi []
When you leave home, don't just mention your destination, but let the driver know the route you're going through. If you don't know the route, use GPS in your cellphone.

4. When someone breaking into your house, flee to the kitchen

In the kitchen, a lot of tools can be used as a weapon []
Kitchen is where all the tools are effective to protect yourselves. You can also throw the robber with plates and glasses to attract the attention of neighbors. In addition, the home kitchen usually has a separate exit from the main door.

5. Take advantage of your thumb nail to injure your opponent's eyes

Aim the eye with thumb []
You can use your nails to injure an opponent's eyes. Aims inner corner of the eye and scratch to the outside.

6. Attack nose with the palm of your hand.

Palm strike []
Attacking with palms could be stronger than boxing, especially for women.

7. Groin is the weakest point of man

Groin kicking []
Kick your opponent on the shinbone or knees. If necessary, kick him several times. You can also squeeze, pull and twist his balls if possible.

8. Try to prevent him taking you to another place. That place would be used by him for further attack 

Strike with powerful attack []
The bad guy would likely bring you to the place which easier for him to commit the action and you'll be helpless. So, never accept to be forced into a second place. Attack the opponent with powerful strike, wherever you are.

Those are some tips to protect and defend yourselves for the girls. Remember, sometimes we can only rely on ourselves. Hopefully helping you!

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1 comment:

  1. It's interesting that you talked about how people will try an lure the victim to a place where they are helpless. My daughter is going to college soon and I'm trying to prepare her. It would be smart to find a way for her to remember defense tips so she can stay out of danger.


10 Self-Defense Tips For Women to Stay Safe When Alone 10 Self-Defense Tips For Women to Stay Safe When Alone